Posted by : Unknown Oktober 20, 2013


Expressions adalah beberapa jenis ungkapan yang lazim dipakai dalam berkomunikasi atau percakapan.
Beberapa Jenis Expressions
  1.  Introduction (perkenalan)
    * I’d like to introduce myself, ______
    * Let me introduce myself, ______
    * Allow me to introduce myself, ______
    * Let me introduce you to ______
    * This is ______

  2. Greeting and Leave –Taking (Selamat / Bertemu dan Berpisah)
    * How do you do ?
    * How are you ?
    * How are you doing ?
    * How is life ?
    * It  is nice to meet you
    * I am very happy to meet you
    * Hello
    * Hi
    * Good morning, afternoon, evening, night
    * Good bye
    * See you later
    * See you soon
    * Cheerio

  3. Gratitude and Appreciation (Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan)
    * Thank you
    * Thank you very much
    * It is very kind of you
    * Congratulation
    * Congratulation on ______
    * Happy ______
    * Have a nice ______
    * Good luck

  4. Apology (Permintaan Maaf)
    * I am sorry
    * I don’t mean to ______
    * Forgive me
    * I hope you forgive me

  5. Ability and Disability (Mampu dan Tidak Mampu)
    * Yes, I can
    * No, I can’t
    * Yes, I am able to ______
    * No, I am not able to ______
    * I think I am able to ______
    * I think I am unable to ______
    * I can’t, I’m afraid

  6. Certainty and Uncertainty (Yakin/Pasti dan Tidak Yakin/Tidak Pasti)
    * I am sure
    * I am not sure
    * I am certain
    * I am not certain
    * I doubt that
    * I can’t decide
    * I don’t know

  7. Agreement and Disagreement (Setuju dan Tidak Setuju)
    * I agree
    * I disagree
    * I absolutely agree
    * I think so
    * I don’t think so
    * You are absolutely right
    * You are right, but ______

  8. Like and Dislike (Suka dan Tidak Suka)
    I like it
    I love it
    I’m very keen on ______
    I don’t like it
    I hate it

  9. Opinion (Pendapat)
    What do you think of ______
    I think ______
    Let’s talk about it
    I wonder ______
    Give me comments or suggestions, please

  10. Asking and Offering (Meminta dan Menawarkan)
    Excuse me, May I ______ ?
    Do you mind ______
    Would you please ______
    Would you help me, please ?
    What can I do for you, _____?

  11. Command and Prohibition (Perintah dan Larangan)
    Pay attention, please!
    Listen to me!
    Keep the room clean!
    Let’s go!
    Be on time!
    Be a good student!
    Don’t move, please!
    Don’t go away!
    Don’t worry!
    Don’t be late!
    No talking, please!
    No smoking!
    No parking in this area!

  12. Warning (Peringatan)
    Watch out !
    Be aware of ______ !
    Be careful !

  13. Preference (Lebih Suka / Pilihan)
    I like ______ better than ______
    I prefer ______ to ______
    I would rather ______ than ______

  14. Exclamation (Kekaguman)
    What a wonderful world !
    What a beautiful girl !
    How beautiful she is !
    How big the ship is !
    It is great !
    Excellent !

  15. Sympathy (Ikut bersimpati)
    Take it easy
    Don’t worry, everything will be all right
    What a pity
    I am sorry to hear that
    Poor you
Settling an argument :
  • Let's just move on, shall we?
  • Let's drop it.
  • I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
  • (sarcastic) Whatever you say./If you say so.
  1. Untuk meminta persetujuan orang tentang apa yang kita nyatakan (asking for agreement), bisa diawali dengan ungkapan berikut ini:
    * Don't you think...?
    * Don't you agree that...?
    * Do you agree if...?

  2. Untuk menyatakan setuju terhadap pernyataan orang (expressing agreement), kita bisa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut ini:You're right That's true.
    * That's right.
    * True enough.

  3. Untuk menyatakan ketidak setujuan (expressing disagreement), kita bisa menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut ini:
    * I'm not sure.
    * I can't agree.

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